How to Teach Your Dog to Shake

Teaching your pet dog to shake is a wonderful party trick and another that is simply taught. You will even get the young children involved.

Most children older than 7 years could be taught basic instruction techniques and actually many children tend to be more persistent than adults with regards to training the family dog!



  • 1 dog preferably with a minimum of 1 front foot
  • Small tasty goodies that don’t consider long to gnaw (use something quality value such as barbecue chicken or liver treats in case your dog is difficult to motivate, or train when he's hungry)
  • Just 5 minutes every day


  1. Assuming your pet can sit, the initial step is to get him in place.
  2. Hold a treat inside your hand and display him the treat (it might be useful to achieve the remaining treats easily accessible in a sack or pocket), then close your fist within the treat.
  3. Hold the actual treat, in your closed fist near to his foot, about 5cm from the ground.
  4. If your pet stands up, request him to sit down again.
  5. If your pet lifts his paw a little, or even changes weight onto another paw, tell him he is a great boy and provide him the deal with.
  6. Most dogs will bat at the hand to find the treat, so the moment this happens open up your hand in order to reveal the treat and simply tell him ‘good’ or ‘yes’, whatever your signal is perfect for doing the correct thing.
  7. At the same time frame your other hand ought to be held out toned to ‘shake’ whenever your dog lifts their paw, so you are able to grab his foot while he requires the treat.
  8. Reward him instantly he does the right thing, even if he or she only lifts his foot a bit the first period.
  9. When he is actually reliably lifting his paw for any treat, add the term ‘shake’.
  10. Gradually stage out the goodies, so he only gets a goody intermittently an individual will be sure he knows the secret.


  • Only practice regarding 5-10 minutes each day, any longer and you may both get worn out and frustrated.
  • Always end over a positive note, in case you are getting frustrated along with your dog isn’t ‘getting it’, get back to a trick this individual does know and also reward him to the.
  • Avoid treats that must be chewed for very long periods, or you can spend most of energy watching him take in.
  • Clicker training is another smart way to shape behaviours like ‘shake’ (link to be able to clicker training article).
  • When you have a particularly obstinate dog, this is another solution to teach ‘shake’.
How to Teach Your Dog to Shake How to Teach Your Dog to Shake Reviewed by Unknown on 1:19 PM Rating: 5

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